7D hifu tshuab
Lub 7D Hifu Tshuab siv lub zog me me-ua kom muaj zog ultrasound system, thiab nws cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb yog tias nws muaj lub ntsiab lus me dua li lwm cov khoom HiFU. Los ntawm ultra-precisely transmitting 65-75 ° C high zog tsom cov tawv nqaij thiab txhawb cov tawv nqaij thiab txhawb cov tawv nqaij thiab txhawb cov nplais uas tsis muaj cov ntaub so ntswg.
Q-switched Nd YAG laser machines deliver intense light onto specific pigments of the skin areas that contain ink pigments. The intense light breaks down the ink into small particles to efficiently separate them from the skin. Vim tias nws tsis yog-abblative lub teeb, lub teeb tsis tawg, uas ua kom muaj zog tsis muaj nti li cas tom qab kev kho mob tattoo.
Kev Kho Mob Lub Tebchaws: Lub 1470NM & 980NM thiab 1 Dioode Laser Tshem Tawm, Kev Rov Kho Mob Laser, Daim tawv nqaij phais, Lwm Yam Kev phais mob. Ib qho ntxiv, nws kuj ntxiv cov haujlwm ntawm cov dej khov tshuab rauj. Tus tshiab 1470NM semiconductor laser scatters tsawg dua lub teeb nyob rau hauv daim ntaub hauv cov ntaub so ntswg thiab faib nws tusyees thiab. It has a strong tissue absorption rat... -
Chaw Tsim Tshuaj ODM Endosphe Tshuab Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Txawm hais tias koj tab tom nrhiav kom txhim kho daim tawv nqaij zoo, ua kom lub cev nruj lub cev, lossis txo cov pob cellulite, endosphere tshuab muaj cov tshuaj tiav rau koj.
Ua haujlwm ua haujlwm:
Lub tshuab siv tsis muaj qhov tsis zoo (kev siv lub tshuab sib nqus sib xyaw ua ke kom txig cov leeg ua kom loj dua ntawm 8cm, thiab ntxias tsis tu ncua
Kev nthuav dav thiab kev cog lus ntawm cov leeg kom ua tiav kev cob qhia ntau dhau, kom tob tob tob ntawm myofibrils (leeg cov leeg nqaij (cov leeg nqaij tshiab
(Nqaij hyperplasia), yog li kev kawm thiab nce leeg leeg ntom ntom thiab ntim. Cov xov tooj cua sov yuav sov cov txheej txheem cua sov rau 43 txog 45 degrees, txhim kho cov leeg leeg, txhim kho cov leeg ua kom muaj zog, txhim kho cov metabolism, txhim kho cov metabolism, txhim kho cov metabolism, txhim kho cov metabolism, txhim kho cov metabolism, txhim kho cov metabolism, thiab txhim kho cov ntshav ncig. -
This AI laser hair removal machine is our company's major innovative model this year. Nws siv dag ntxias txawj ntse technology rau lub laser plaub tshem tawm rau thawj zaug, kev nkag siab zoo txhim kho kev ua tau zoo thiab kev kho mob ntawm Laser plaub tshem tawm cov tshuab.
AI cov plaub hau plaub hau kom raug cov plaub hau kom raug rau tus neeg mob cov plaub hau tshem tawm, yog li paub kev kho mob rau tus kheej thiab muab cov plaub hau raug tshem tawm. -
Kev hloov kho qhov kawg
Peb zoo siab tshaj tawm cov tshiab hloov kho tshiab rau peb endosphere tshuab, tam sim no tsim los txhawb peb cov menyuam cov menyuam ua haujlwm ib txhij! Qhov kev txhim kho tseem ceeb ua rau kev kho kom zoo nyob rau hauv kev zoo nkauj cov khw muag khoom, nce qib kev pabcuam, thiab pab kom ruaj ntseg lub koob npe nrov ntawm cov neeg siv khoom.
Yuav CryosSoskin 4.0 Quotes
Cryoskin 4.0 yog ib qho kev txiav-ntug ntaus ntawv tsim los rub tawm cov kev zoo nkauj thiab kev lag luam zoo. Lub xeev no-ntawm-cov tshuab kos ua haujlwm siab heev thev naus laus zis kom xa cov txiaj ntsig zoo hauv cov rog, cov tawv nqaij sib raug zoo, thiab cellulite tshem tawm.
EMS Duab puab Tshuab
EMS (hluav taws xob cov leeg ua haujlwm) Lub tshuab puab lub cev yog rov ua dua lub cev ua ke kom cov kab kom yooj yim kom cov kab yooj yim kom muaj kab yooj yim kom muaj kab thiab kev ntseeg siab lawv npau suav ntawm.